United Independent 
Virtual Summit
Register for Free to Learn More & Engage as the US Independent Sector Emerges into a United Independent Movement to Usher in American Phase-Change 
SAT, DEC 17 - 11am PT / 2pm ET (2.5hrs)
Why Does This Matter Right Now?
National revolutions occur when the factions outside of the existing power system put their differences aside and unite–working together to create a national phase change. This is happening in the US right now. 

The US Independent political sector has long been divided and siloed by the left-right political spectrum that tells people and groups who they should work with and who they should oppose.

As Independent parties, groups, networks, organizations and individuals reject their prescribed station on the left-right spectrum and rise above it, thinking for themselves, they find that they have more in common with other Independents groups then they have differences. 

What unites us all is a clear realization that:
- The two-party system is failing
- We’re in dire need of upgrading our republic’s democratic systems
- Now is a time for unity, maturity and responsibility more than ever

Independents are today's revolutionaries and as we become more united, strategic and persistent, we will see the dawning of a new era for the US.

Despite real systems-change seeming like an insurmountable undertaking, the status quo NEVER lasts forever and we have the opportunity to participate in creating the new systems of leadership and governance that will define the world we leave to the rising generations. 

Join This Upcoming United Independent Virtual Summit
Hosted by the Independent National Union and Co-Hosted by Libertarian Party's National Chair, Angela McArdle, we will hear from movement leaders and look at the foundational movement-building elements that will position the US Independent Rise. 

This event will debut the Declaration of United Independents and activate its circulation and signing as a cornerstone of movement-building. 
Register for FREE today and we’ll see you on December 17th!
Register for FREE 
To learn more and discover how you can participate as a leader of your community to progress the United Independent Movement. 
Joining This Virtual Summit You Will Also Receive:
  • Opportunities to participate in future Roundtable discussions
  • $10 Coupon for a United Independent Silver Collector Coin
  • $100 Coupon Off the Early Bird Price for INC '23 Austin, the upcoming Independent National Convention (April 3-5 Austin, TX)
  • ​Access to United Independent national communication channels
  • ​Additional education and movement-building content
  • ​Free access to a 3-month civic leadership development program starting in January 
  • ​And more… 
DEC 17th United Independents Virtual Summit 11am PT / 2pm ET 
Copyright 2022 INC Austin
Produced by the Independent National Union
All Rights Reserved